Royal Rubies 2-3 years
With increased mobility comes increased curiosity for their world. At Kingdom Kare we understand our toddlers needs and program accordingly.
Our programs for Toddlers teach the value of sharing and cooperation through group play. They are encouraged to develop friendships and gain confidence as they interact with others, and we aim to identify and encourage every child’s own unique set of skills and interests. Childcare at this age is a perfect way to develop your child’s social skills and encourage them to play with others.
Our toddlers learn through play with focus areas of dramatic play, creative arts, language and sensory exploration, fine motor, gross motor development and social skills.

We monitor their progress via observation based assessments and it is always a delight to witness their rapidly developing skills, physical abilities and personalities.
This is an important time in your child’s life and regular communication with every parent is maintained to keep you informed about the progress of your child’s day.