Explore Kingdom Kare
Tiny Treasures 0 - 24 months
Infants are unique and have their own patterns for play, eating and sleeping. At Kingdom Kare all our infants are given extra special attention.
Our educators will use your infant’s individual routines as a guide to introducing daily activities that will spark their interest and promote healthy brain development, basic cognitive and social skills.
Every activity carried out with our infants is designed to develop their physical strength and their hand-eye coordination; develop their senses and spatial orientation; develop skills in an environment rich with sights and sounds; and encourage social-emotional interaction which helps to develop their communication skills.
A great deal of attention is placed on our programs for our Tiny Treasures but our number one priority is making sure they are happy, nurtured and content. Regular communication with parents is the key and we will always keep you informed about the progress of your child’s day.